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5 life hacks with TOOTHPASTE that could make your life better

Personal Care
Thursday, August 11, 2022
Toothpaste, a household item that can be found in everyone’s washroom. A normal yet useful item that needed by everyone, daily. But, what do you know about the function of toothpaste other than just brush your teeth? Here’s the life hacks with toothpaste that you should know, and it could probably make your life better. Check this out!

1. Revive White Shoes

White shoes or sneakers can be perfect for most of your outfits, but you might think twice about your purchase after few trips out especially during raining days. But no doubt if you have toothpaste at home. All you need to do is just apply small amount of toothpaste on dirty areas of the white shoes and rub with old toothbrush then wipe it off with a cloth. That’s easy!


2. Brighten The Cloudy Headlights

Sometimes, you might realize the car’s headlights are a little bit dirty and foggy, and it might affect your driving at night. Rub some toothpaste on with a damp paper towel and gently rub in a circular motion, then you will get clean and bright headlights in only few minutes time.


3. Return Shine to Silver Jewelry

Jewelry looks a little bit dull after some times of wearing? A simple yet effective way that you will try out to make your jewelry sparkle is by using a small amount of toothpaste.


4. Remove Tea & Coffee Stains from Mug

Mugs always have a brown ring around inside which is the stain leave by tea or coffee. Instead of washing up the mugs with dishwash liquid, may give them a good scrub with small amount of toothpaste and you will get a “new” mug.


5. Get Rid of Fish Smell

Do you experience the stubborn fish smell on your hand after prepared a fish dish? If you found that the odors cannot be removed, squeeze a teaspoon amount of toothpaste, and apply gently on your palm just like the way you apply hand cream. And now, you can say goodbye to the fish smell!


All of us might be using toothpaste in our whole life, but never realize the functions of toothpaste can be so amazing! Doubt on the effectiveness? Try it out today at home and you will know whether it works!

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