The good news is Chronic Kidney Disease is preventable and when detected early, kidney function can be preserved with early treatment. [2]
How to Check for Kidney Disease? [2] [3]
Getting tested is the only way to determine the health of your kidneys. Depending on your health, your doctor may recommend a yearly kidney function test as part of your therapy.
-Urine Tests
The microalbuminuria test measures the amount of albumin in your urine. Albumin is a protein responsible for cell growth and repair. In a healthy kidney, albumin is kept within your blood and not excreted in your urine. But in a damaged kidney, albumin levels start to rise in your urine.
For the rest of 2022, get a free kidney screening at any BIG Pharmacy outlet today! Act now before it's too late!
-Blood test
The glomerular filtration test (GFR) measures your kidney’s functioning levels. Generally the lower the GFR, the less effective it is.
Here are the 5 stages of kidney disease. [4]
Stage 1: minimal or no loss of kidney function (GFR of 90 or above)
Stage 2: mild loss of kidney function (GFR of 60 to 89)
Stage 3: moderate loss of kidney function (GFR of 30 to 59)
Stage 4: severe loss of kidney function (GFR of 15 to 29)
Stage 5: kidney failure (GFR of 15 or below)