select m.manufacturers_id, m.manufacturers_name, m.address_key, mi.manufacturers_meta_title, mi.manufacturers_meta_descp, mp.manufacturersportion_image from manufacturers m left join manufacturers_portion mp on m.manufacturers_id = mp.manufacturers_id and mp.manufacturersportion_position = 'Left Menu', manufacturers_info mi where m.manufacturers_id = mi.manufacturers_id and m.manufacturers_id = '1281'
Launched in 2005 as the most famous natural soap brand, THE PLANT BASE has been manufacturing 100% handmade natural soaps and entered skin care business because of continuous consumer demand. Since the beginning, THE PLANT BASE insists only hypoaller...genic and high-performance products formulated with only natural plants and certified organic ingredients. With 8 different ranges and 45 skin care products, THE PLANT BASE is exporting over 10 countries and 100 global stores. Even when became a leader in the cosmetics market, THE PLANT BASE has never stopped to research high-technology and new ing