0 BBES 2024 5.0
120 / 292 Products
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select p.products_id, p.products_model, p.products_special_text, p.products_special_promo_text, p.products_color, p.products_related_code, p.products_image, p.products_tax_class_id, p.manufacturers_id, p.products_price as old_products_price, pd.products_name,p.products_color, p.products_color_code, p.products_retail_price, if(s.status, s.specials_new_products_price, p.products_price) as products_price, p.products_coming_soon_status, p.address_key, p.products_new_in_start, p.products_hot_item_start, p.products_bestseller_start, p.products_new_in, p.products_hot_item, p.products_bestseller, products_related_tag, p.pwp_group_id, p.products_offer_icon, p.products_offer_icon_position, p.products_offer_icon_startdate, p.products_offer_icon_enddate, p.products_ordered, p.products_ordered_extra, p.products_wheel_chair_status, p.agent_contact from products p left join specials s on p.products_id = s.products_id, products_description pd, products_to_categories p2c, categories c where p.products_id = p2c.products_id and p2c.categories_id = c.categories_id and (c.parent_id = '2871' or p2c.categories_id = '2873' or p2c.categories_id = '2875' or p2c.categories_id = '2876' or p2c.categories_id = '2877' or p2c.categories_id = '2893' or p2c.categories_id = '2894' or p2c.categories_id = '2895' or p2c.categories_id = '2874' or p2c.categories_id = '2878' or p2c.categories_id = '2879' or p2c.categories_id = '2896' or p2c.categories_id = '2897' or p2c.categories_id = '2898' or p2c.categories_id = '2887' or p2c.categories_id = '2899' or p2c.categories_id = '2900' or p2c.categories_id = '2901' or p2c.categories_id = '2902' or p2c.categories_id = '2888' or p2c.categories_id = '2903' or p2c.categories_id = '2904' or p2c.categories_id = '2905' or p2c.categories_id = '2889' or p2c.categories_id = '2906' or p2c.categories_id = '2907' or p2c.categories_id = '2908' or p2c.categories_id = '2890' or p2c.categories_id = '2909' or p2c.categories_id = '2910' or p2c.categories_id = '2911' or p2c.categories_id = '2891' or p2c.categories_id = '2912' or p2c.categories_id = '2913' or p2c.categories_id = '2914' or p2c.categories_id = '2892' or p2c.categories_id = '2915' or p2c.categories_id = '2916' or p2c.categories_id = '2917' ) and p.products_status = '1' and p.products_free_gift_status = '0' and p.products_point_redemption_status = '0' and p.products_third_party_status = '0' and p.products_id = pd.products_id and pd.language_id = '1' order by p.products_out_of_stock_status asc, p.products_new desc, (p.products_ordered + p.products_ordered_extra) desc, pd.products_name limit 100, 20